1815. A disconsolate dandy, a former attorney, and a night in the library.
Felix Hamilton is in hiding. He has behaved unforgivably to one of his oldest friends, and he is at a loss how to make it right again. And it doesn’t help that he feels very sorry for himself. So that is why he is alone in Lady Somerby’s library with a decanter of brandy.
James Fairchild has only recently been admitted to the upper reaches of society, and he doesn’t really see what all the fuss is about. There are undoubtedly advantages, though. Like the presence of the exquisite Hamilton at a house party he has been persuaded to attend.
Felix wants to be alone. Fairchild wants to be with Felix. There is only one way this is going to end…
Unvarnished Truths is an M/M regency short story picking up two characters from Unwritten Rules.